Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ann Coulter screws up again

Ann Coulter has never allowed facts to get in the way of a good slander. And she does it again this week in an interview published in the Jewish Press:

The lie is toward the end of the article, when she argues that President Bush's low popularity shouldn't prevent him from ordering military action against Iran:

"Harry Truman’s approval rating was in the low 20’s when he ordered U.S. troops into Korea."

The Korean War started June 25, 1950; American troops were in action within a few weeks. Here is a link to the Gallup approval ratings during President Truman's adminstration:

The relevant polling data are from June 4-9 and indicate 37% approval.

And if you want to say that the real move was MacArthur's landing at Inchon that turned the tide of the war (temporarily), the landing was on September 15, and the relevant polling data from August 20-25 indicate 43% approval.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that polling data shows Truman approval rating dropping in 1952. Do the research yourself - there was a drop to 25% or less only in 1952. Yes, his numbers went down a certain point, a little less than 50% but he bounced back, which I think was Ann's point. If you have facts that say different, post them. Don't you think a blogger has to have accountability as well?

11:24 AM  
Blogger Charlie Hall said...


The link is to the actual polling data. I don't know how I can be more accountable than that!


7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coulter may have been off by a few percentage points, and heaven knows I don't think of her as a responsible media figure, but her point doesn't suffer from her lack of accuracy. Whether constitutionally or practically, a president can send troops where he wishes, regardless of approval rating. The actions taken by congress to limit funding or demand a withdrawal deadline are simliarly political ploys, with little impact on whether and for how long troops will remain in Iraq.

3:12 PM  
Blogger Charlie Hall said...

"a president can send troops where he wishes, regardless of approval rating."

True, but the size of the military and its funding are determined by Congress.

"The actions taken by congress to limit funding or demand a withdrawal deadline are simliarly political ploys, with little impact on whether and for how long troops will remain in Iraq. "

They are indeed political ploys because the war is now extraordinarily unpopular and the Congress is responding to public pressure.

I suspect that all the major Republican Presidential candidates are praying that Bush withdraw all or almost all the troops from Iraq before the end of summer 2008, because if the US is still involved in the war a Democratic landslide is likely no matter who the candidates are.

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ann Coulter has never allowed facts to get in the way of a good slander."

I take it you dont knnow what "slander" means.

11:50 AM  
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1:48 PM  

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