A Jew turns 50
Today is my 50th birthday. When I arrived at shul this morning (a few minutes late) the gabbai asked how I was doing and I told him about my "event". He gave me the third aliyah and there was a brief series of "Mazel tovs!" I casually mentioned the mishnah (Avot 5:22) that says that I am now old enough to give counsel. The rabbi gently replied, "Don't read too much into that mishnah!" A good lesson for us all.
Happy Birthday Dr. Hall.
Charlie - belated congratulations. Biz 120 !
P.S. I enjoyed seeing you and your Mrs. in the Forverts. If you want I can post the url.
i was just reading something this morning about when you can start celebrating a birthday in jewish sources.
anyway, have a happy birthday and a happy thanksgiving: http://agmk.blogspot.com/2007/07/minhag-philadelphia-no-tahanun-on.html#links
Hehe. :)
Happy birthday, Charlie!
Your advice and commentary is always welcome... even if we'll often disagree. ;)
Charlie - did you know what I meant in my comment ? There was an article in the Yiddish Forverts (Forward) newspaper recently, in which you and your Mrs. were featured.
I assume that you (as well as most other readers of this blog) don't read Yiddish (but perhaps I am wrong), but, even so, there is a photographic aspect of it as well.
Happy Birthday!
happy b day
Happy Birthday. Until 120.
"Happy Birthday. Until 120."
belated happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Charlie Hall!!!
I very much agree with the Rabbi's comment. His sense of humor, if taken realistically would save us from a lot of trouble.
May G_d grant you great success in: Kiddush HaShem, Kiruv Rechokim and Zicui HaRabim.
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